Black gender-fluid individual in a pink blouse

Black LGBTQ+ Prides

We promote and support the official Black LGBTQA+ Pride Celebrations, simply Black Prides, around the world.


Beginning in 1991, with DC Black Pride, the Black Gay Pride movement began as a way to provide Black LGBTQ+ people an alternative to the largely white mainstream LGBTQ+ movement.

The movement serves as a way for Black LGBTQ+ people to discuss specific issues that are more unique to the Black LGBTQ+ community and celebrate the progress of the Black LGBTQ+ community.

While the mainstream gay pride movement, often perceived as overwhelmingly white, has focused much of its energy on same-sex marriage, the Black Gay Pride movement has focused on issues such as racism, homophobia, and lack of proper health and mental care in black communities.

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Black Pride is the gateway to the greater LGBT community experience for many Black LGBTQ+ people. Rather than encouraging separation, Black Prides encourage awareness of self and community, respect, dignity and many attendees of Black Pride events have returned to their homes to come out to friends, family and their communities. Attending events and seeing people who look like oneself with many of the same shared experiences, contributes to building stronger, healthier LGBT communities and is an effective way to combat homophobia and stigma in the Black community and racism in the greater LGBT community along with overcoming the cultural, communal and institutional barriers created by isms and phobias. All are welcome to attend Black Prides.

Black Prides are planned and managed by the organizations dedicated to: building solidarity; health and wellness; promoting unity; and ensuring the development of education, economic empowerment, and individual and collective work, responsibility and self-determination.


Upcoming 2024 Official Black Pride Celebrations

Find a Black Pride Near You

A complete listing of the Pride Celebrations is below map


Black Pride Celebrations

Sorted alphabetically by Pride Name. Click Pride Name to visit their website.

Little Rock Black Pride
Little Rock, Arkansas

Milwaukee BLAQ Pride
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Minnesota People of Color Pride Festival
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Montego Bay Pride
Montego Bay, Jamaica

Nashville Black Pride
Nashville, Tennessee

New Haven Black Pride
New Haven, Connecticut

New Orleans Black Pride Weekend
New Orleans, Louisiana

NYC Black Pride
New York, New York

Oakland Black Pride
Oakland, California

Pacific Northwest Black Pride
Seattle, Washington

Parada Preta
SΓ£o Paulo, Brazil

Paris Black Pride
Paris, France

Philadelphia Black Pride
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh Black Pride Week
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Pride in Lagos/GLOW UP PRIDE
Lagos, Nigeria

Pride Month Suriname
Paramaribo, Suriname

Rochester Black Pride
Rochester, New York

San Diego Black Pride
San Diego, California

Soul of Pride
San Francisco, California

South Carolina Black Pride
Columbia, South Carolina

South Florida Black Pride
Miami, Florida

St. Pete Black Pride
St. Petersburg, Florida

Trans Resistance
Boston, Massachusetts

Tri-State Black Pride
Memphis, Tennessee

West Virginia Black Pride
Charleston, West Virginia

UK Black Pride
London, England

Upstate Black Pride
Greenville, South Carolina

Atlanta Black Pride Weekend
Atlanta, Georgia

Austin Black Pride
Austin, Texas

Baltimore Black Pride
Baltimore, Maryland

Birmingham Black Pride (BHAM Pride)
Birmingham, Alabama

Black & Latin@ Gay Pride
Albany, New York

Black Pride Colorado
Denver, Colorado

Black Pride RVA
Richmond, Virginia

Black Pride St. Louis
St. Louis, Missouri

Black Pride Vegasο»Ώ
Las Vegas, Nevada

Kansas City, Missouri

Boston Urban Pride
Boston, Massachusetts

Charleston Black Pride
Charleston, South Carolina

Charlotte Black Pride
Charlotte, North Carolina

Chicago Black Pride (Windy City Black Pride)
Chicago, Illinois

Cincy Black Pride (Cincinnati Black Pride)
Cincinnati, Ohio

Cold as Hell
Detroit, Michigan

Dallas Southern Pride
Dallas, Texas

DC Black Pride
Washington, District of Columbia

Fayetteville Black Pride
Fayetteville, North Carolina

Harlem Pride
New York, New York

Historic Selma Black Pride
Selma, Alabama

Hotter Than July
Detroit, Michigan

Houston Splash
Houston, Texas

Indiana Pride of Color
Indianapolis, Indiana

Jackson Black Pride
Jackson, Mississippi

Jacksonville Florida Black Pride
Jacksonville, Florida

Kentucky Black Pride
Lexington, Kentucky

Kingston Pride
Kingston, Jamaica

Los Angeles Black Pride
Los Angeles, California